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HomeNewsSocial media extortion, crypto-theft scams hit coast residents

Social media extortion, crypto-theft scams hit coast residents

More reminders today that the online scammers are out there, in social media and on dating apps. 

Sunshine Coast RCMP are reporting two recent thefts. 

In the first case, a person was encouraged to send intimate pictures to someone she met on a popular social media app. 

Once the suspect received the photos, they told the victim they’d have to pay money or the photos would be sent to all of the resident’s friends and family. The victim transferred a large sum of money to the suspect, and also purchased a gift card and provided the activation code.

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RCMP told them to cut off communication. They say it’s unlikely the person can get their money back. 

In the other case, a man went onto a popular chat and messaging app to ask a question about accessing his crypto-currency wallets. 

The resident was inundated with responses and received a phone call from someone who sent the resident a link that would supposedly help him with this problem.

When the link was opened, the resident unknowingly gave the suspect access to his security questions and answers, which led to his crypto-wallet being emptied of a large sum of crypto-currencies.

RCMP advise people to learn more about how to safely navigate the on-line world, by visiting sites such as www.cybersavvy.com.

To learn more about the red flags to watch for in the most common types of scams, please visit sites such as the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at www.antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca.

At the Competition Bureau at www.competitionbureau.gc.ca  you may obtain a copy of the very helpful Little Black Book of Scams

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