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HomeNewsTentative agreement reached between union and Health Employers Association

Tentative agreement reached between union and Health Employers Association

The Facilities Bargaining Association and the Health Employers Association of BC have reached a tentative agreement.

The union represents 60,000 hospital and long-term care workers in the province. They say the agreement allows workers more control on changes to shifts and rotations for a better work-life balance.

They add it also has more comprehensive health and safety protections.

Hospital Employees Union secretary-business manager Meena Brisard says the agreement also addresses wages for the cost of living.

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“Protecting our members’ earnings against rising costs has been a key priority for our bargaining committee,” said Brisard. “This settlement provides for inflation-sensitive wage increases and other compensation improvements that will help keep skilled, experienced workers in health care, and attract new workers to careers in our hospitals and care homes.

“We’ve secured major new investments in training and education and a commitment to hire thousands of new workers. This will provide our members with career mobility, reduced workloads and more secure work which is key to addressing the staffing crisis we face today.”

The agreement also allows for the return of more contracted workers to public sector employment.

The government says more details will be available over the coming weeks when the ratification process is complete.

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