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Courtenay to donate land for family affordable housing

More affordable housing for families will be coming to Courtenay with a donation of land to Habitat for Humanity.

The .11 acre property on Lake Trail Road is being donated by the City of Courtenay and will be transferred for $1 with the city’s prior approval of a development plan.

The city says its recently adopted Official Community Plan includes a goal of “housing choices for all.” Mayor Bob Wells says the donation fits well with the community’s goals.

“Our council enthusiastically supported this land donation, and we’re very excited this property will help Habitat for Humanity build more homes in our community for those who need them,” said Wells.

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“This project fits perfectly with the housing goals of our new Official Community Plan, and will truly be life-changing for the future homeowners who will live here.”

The plan designates the area on Lake Trail Road as a neighbourhood centre, which supports multi-residential and other mixed uses, according to the city.

They say a review of the zoning bylaws will begin this year, and a zoning amendment will be required to support Habitat’s plan for development.

Habitat for Humanity Vancouver Island North executive director Jeff West says the land transfer will be an important opportunity in getting more residents a safe place to live.

More information can be found on the Habitat North Island website.

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