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HomeNewsComox ValleyCouncil to consider traffic calming measures on 3rd Street and Harmston Avenue

Council to consider traffic calming measures on 3rd Street and Harmston Avenue

Concerns about fast-moving traffic on 3rd Street and Harmston Avenue may lead to more traffic calming measures.

Residents of the area presented their concerns at Courtenay city council on Monday. They say over the years, more and more traffic has been coming up the street as an alternative to driving through downtown, including commercial traffic.

Resident Alana Check says the street is a residential neighbourhood and the speed of the vehicles is becoming dangerous, especially for people entering and exiting the nearby park.

“The vehicles are using it as a bypass or a thoroughfare, sometimes they’re really moving through there, but they are constant,” said Check. “There’s also parking issues that will be exacerbated by opening half the park next year but our main concern is the safety of the entrance of pedestrians, in particular, entering or exiting the park.”

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Long-time resident Rick Sheldon says over the 36 years he has lived on the street, he has noticed more and more vehicles driving through at high speeds, especially after stop signs were removed and replaced with traffic circles.

The group is asking council to try using a bullnose, similar to the bullnose found at 1st Street and Cliffe Avenue, at the westbound lane of the traffic circle at 3rd Street and Fitzgerald.

Check says it would allow for bicycles and pedestrians to get through but would slow down traffic coming up 3rd Street.

Councilor Melanie McCollum says the speed of vehicles is noticeable in the area and could be dangerous for pedestrians.

Council added the traffic circles were put in place because they drop vehicle emissions in residential areas compared to four-way stops.

The city council received the report from residents, planning to move on to a staff report on what potential solutions could be done.

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